Monday 31 October 2016

Narrative Writing

Today we did a writing test related to a photo that has fireworks and balloons. We had to write a narrative and only had 45 minutes to complete it. This is as far as I got not don but almost done but I hope you's enjoy reading my story and can give me some feedback and feedforward.Enjoy reading



I woke up to a cold breeze smashing against my face and the sun warming up my skin. Mum was yelling out, “Hope darling”, Hope darling ,It's time to wake up come on it's Guy Fawkes today”.
I quickly rush out of bed and get dressed before I go to have breakfast. I wash my face, Brush my hair and wash my hands then I go and sit at the table. “So mum?...” I asked,
“ What are we doing today?”,
“Well darling”  she replies while making breakfast,  
“We will go shopping, get some fireworks and then come home to get changed before we head out to Green Lake Park for the fireworks festival. We will have dinner there and have a look around”.
I finished my breakfast, did my dishes then headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth I was wondering why mum was arranging for this special day.
“Darling it time to go.” mum yells from the bottom of the stairs.

We get in the car and away we go. Cruising down the streets passing other cars, the bright yellow sun fills the sky with light and the clear blue sky is as clear as the ocean. We arrive at K-mart and we do half an hours worth of shopping, as we walked past the fireworks station I saw a fireworks packet that contained Ground spinners, sparklers, firecrackers and smoke bombs.
“Can I have that firework pack please?”, I asked mum hoping that she will say yes.
“Alright take one off the shelf and carry it to the counter”.  
After paying for the my fireworks we went home.


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